TV/Talk Show-Women’s Health and Wellness
SUITLAND, MD, February 25, 2023 /24-7PressRelease/ — UBM Studios and USA Fibroid Centers announce the launch of “On The Leather with Coach Ella”, a new television talk show that promises to be both inspirational and entertaining.
The show is hosted by motivational speaker Coach Ella Destiny and co=hosted by comedian Lawrence Owens. “On The Leather with Coach Ella” brings together an unlikely combination a life coach and a comedian, lots of comedic relief and a chance for learning & growth with tons of stories to be shared. It is a must-see TV talk show that promises to make you laugh and cry out loud, while inspiring you to be your best self.
The show talks about the disproportionate impact of fibroids on African American women and the effects on the entire family, with host Coach Ella Destiny. who helps women get comfortable sharing uncomfortable stories. “So what you can sit with me,” is her motto. No matter who you are or what you’re going through, there is a seat at the table and “On The Leather with Coach Ella,” who tackle s not only the health concerns of African American Women but also covers topics that impact our communities. Topics such as mental health, impacts of crime, and the matters of today’s youth.
The show celebrates the leaders in our communities, advocates of health awareness, and influencers that make a difference in everyday lives. Co-host Lawrence Owens aka “LO,” adds a touch of humor to the show, with his straight-forward yet lovable humor. making it entertaining for the entire family and all demographics. Together, Coach Ella and LO make a dynamic team that offer support and laughter to those who need it most.
Whether you are a survivor or just a listener, there’s something for you through providing motivation and guidance, while giving you a chance to connect with someone new and be inspired.
Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn. grow. and be entertained!
Tune in to “On the Leather with Coach Ella” every Wednesday at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm on UBM Studios Roku channel.
For more information. please contact:
USM Studios 5210 Auth Road. Suite 300
Camp Springs. MD 20746
Or contact
USA Fibroid Centers
304 Wainwright Drive Northbrook. IL 60062
Coach Ella:
Yours Sincerely.
Shannon Roundtree
Director of Marketing and Public Relations
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